The Privilege Paradox

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Does being privileged provide an advantage?Helping individuals who may be at a disadvantage in life is a virtue, but there is an ideology which doesn’t care about the individual, but instead sees only a collective group of various arbitrary categories … Continue reading

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Jeremy’s COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment Protocol

Lifestyle actions for prevention of COVID-19 and other diseases;  Get quality sleep, optimize Vitamin D levels (40-80 ng/ml in blood serum, and if your Dr tells you that’s too high, get another doctor), be active or exercise, eat nutrient dense … Continue reading

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Are you being fiscally gang raped by the Fed?

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If you’re celebrating your free money from the Federal aid package, I’m here to ruin the party, and I apologize, because I like parties, but I also gotta keep it real. Some people are calling it a stimulus check for … Continue reading

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Will the lock-down bring on a more potent wave of the novel Coronavirus?

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The reckless reaction of the media junkies who get their dopamine fix from the myopic COVID-19 coverage which resulted in locking everything down is a more lethal pandemic than the virus itself. Anyone who does not agree with the total … Continue reading

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Will the shutdown really have a net result of saving lives?

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When does the cost/benefit of saving lives by shutting everything down to flatten the curve become dwarfed by the mortality rates from becoming infected with long-term global poverty including the U.S.? If the intent of shutting the world down is … Continue reading

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I’m still proud of getting an “F” on that assignment

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I was just dusting off some memories of middle school and high school days. Middle school was rough for me, but high school was a blast. When I was around 13 years old in 7th and 8th grade, I got picked … Continue reading

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Know God – Part 8 of 8

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Does God need an advocate?  – If someone who claims God swung the cosmos into existence with the breath of omnipotence, and there’s nothing beyond him, nothing that will ever defeat him, nothing is more powerful than him, why would … Continue reading

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Know God – Part 7 of 8

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The virtue of God vs. the virtue of Jesus – We all understand that it is not virtuous to allow an innocent person to be tortured or die if we have the power to prevent it at no cost to … Continue reading

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Know God – Part 6 of 8

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The irrational agnostic –   Some folks say that we cannot know for sure if God (the God as defined in Christianity) exists or not. This position is more anti-rational than the position of the faithful believer. The agnostic position … Continue reading

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Know God – Part 5 of 8

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“Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion.Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because if there is one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than of blindfolded … Continue reading

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Know God – Part 4 of 8

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Where God and Heaven used to be long ago, compared to currently, and where will he be in the future? In primitive times, people used to think that inanimate objects had their own life, spirit, and consciousness.  Folks back then … Continue reading

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Know God – Part 3 of 8

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God must exist, because I hear and feel the comforting divine whisper giving me guidance. If someone proposes that God does not exist, how do they explain the feeling that each of us is guided by something greater than ourselves? … Continue reading

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Know God – Part 2 of 8

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It’s in your best interest to believe in God – I don’t have any grudge against, or contempt for God. I find comfort in associating with Christians and going to church. I find comfort in that divine loving whisper of … Continue reading

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Know God – Part 1 of 8

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Paying devotion to the tollbooth of validation on the highway to Heaven – When I was a young boy, I vividly remember my parents guiding me through the process of getting saved to be a born again Christian. I gave … Continue reading

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Who would have guessed that with Trump as the ruler, the big government progressive left crowd would start sounding like limited government right wingers?

Ever since the progressive era gained traction around 100 years ago, the leftists have worked so hard to grow the power and scope of federal government control over everyone’s lives. During the last 8 years, Obama and his congregation got … Continue reading

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It is widely reported that women in the U.S. make about 22% less than men in the workforce. But what does that really mean? Some folks think this is an example of discrimination based on stereotypes, and is a problem … Continue reading


Your Income Tax Return Explained by Jeremy

Imagine if a bully (the State) in school collects everyone’s lunches (income tax) in order to redistribute the lunches to those who are most loyal to him and most dependent on him for lunches. You must give him a portion … Continue reading

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What is the cause of the wealth divide between the top 1% and the rest?

There is a massive division between the amount of wealth the top 1% has in the U.S. compared to the individual wealth of the rest of the population. Is this a result of unregulated capitalism? What is the cause of … Continue reading

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A Supplementary Attachment of Definitions To “Nature’s Ethics”

These Definitions may be helpful when reading “Nature’s Ethics” Self-Ownership Self-ownership is the principle of being responsible for your mind, body, and the effects of your mind and body. You hold that responsibility from your very nature. That responsibility also includes … Continue reading

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Should the Wealthy be Obligated to “Give Back” to the Community?

How many times have you heard the progressives mention that the wealthy should give back to the community? They make it sound as if the wealthy person made others worse off by becoming wealthy. How do they think others become … Continue reading

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History is Written in DNA

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PART 1. Clearing the fog of fact vs. opinion The topic of natural evolution and theories on the origin of life have been distorted by different ideologies, so the intent of this article is to clear the fog from the … Continue reading

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Your Vote Counts, But not in a Good Way

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As many of you may know by now, I am a supporter of voluntary and consensual interactions, exchanges, and relationships between individuals, and I believe initiating the use of force and coercion against others is unethical. If that sounds too … Continue reading

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The cannabis, or marijuana plant, is on the federal government’s schedule 1 illegal substance list, yet every human being produces its own natural cannabinoids, just like the ones found in cannabis, to balance and regulate the body’s vital systems. Does … Continue reading

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