Dear Sandy

            Dear Sandy, It is and honor and privilege to interact with you on this blog.  You are a woman who knows where she stands and you have solid reasons for the positions you take on different topics. It’s refreshing to be challenged by someone like you with a completely opposite point of view than me on most topics. 

                   Many folks that disagree with my point of view try to debate me by pulling random cookie-cutter sound bites they heard in the media and they have no idea why they have that point of view other than, that’s what they mindlessly absorbed through academia or the news.  I respect you and where you stand. 

When we discuss various topics, I have no intention of converting you to think like me.  My motivation is a bit more selfish.  I want my challenger to change my perspective on things.  In order for my point of view to be credible for me, I must verify that my position is right by finding someone who can show me why my position is not right.

            Although you and I seem to be completely opposite, we seem to generally want the same ideal outcome in society.  We are both compassionate and care for the well-being of all others, however, we have different ideas on how to reach those ideal results.  So when we debate topics, we usually will be debating which path leads to the best results related to our common intention.

            I am excited to be on this adventure with you and our interactive audience.

About Jeremy Lockrem
Jeremy Lockrem

Havin fun
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