The cannabis, or marijuana plant, is on the federal government’s schedule 1 illegal substance list, yet every human being produces its own natural cannabinoids, just like the ones found in cannabis, to balance and regulate the body’s vital systems. Does that mean you would qualify as being illegal, or that your body is paraphernalia in the war on drugs?

Cannabinoids in marijuana are the happy little compounds responsible for reducing or eliminating pain, soreness, nausea, and inflammation, and balancing the immune system response, among other things. One way the body regulates itself is by activating cannabinoid receptors and producing natural cannabinoids in the body. Everyone seems to have cannabinoid receptors that always function, but not everyone is able to produce enough endocannabinoids to regulate things in the body, such as, appetite, pain, inflammation, mood, and immune system imbalance. The body needs to produce enough of it’s own endocannabinoids to fuel the cannabinoid receptors, which keeps the body functional.

Most athletes, endurance runners, and overall active, healthy people maintain a well-functioning endocannabinoid system. The runners high experienced by endurance runners is a combination of endorphins such as, dopamine and serotonin, along with the endocannabinoid system that is activated to balance the necessary functions of the body while undergoing physical exertion. While some people experience a full endorphin rush, others seem to have a mild experience, or no experience of a “runner’s high” after intense physical activity. This may be a result of a sluggish endocannabinoid system that needs a tune up. If herbal cannabis is utilized to supplement a non-functioning endocannabinoid system prior to intense physical activity, the subject will most likely experience the “runner’s high” that is experienced in a person that has a well-functioning endocannabinoid system. If you think your endocannabinoid system is a bit rusty, regular external supplementation of cannabinoids prior to exercise may increase motivation, and give you the badaboom your body needs in order to handle intense physical activity.

There are over 80 cannabinoids that have been identified in the pot plant. THC is the most prevalent of those lucky charms that make the subject feel fuzzy and floaty at high doses. The body makes its own form of THC, but herbal cannabis has higher levels of THC than what the body produces naturally. During times of high intensity exercise, the body naturally elevates endogenous THC, but many athletes who have a well-functioning endocannabinoid system still use external supplementation of cannabis to assist with the soreness, aches and pains that accompany high intensity, or high endurance activities. When regular mary jane users are exercising, they are burning fat that has THC in it. As the THC is released into the bloodstream, it eases the pain, soreness, and even nausea that can result from intense activity.

The endocannabinoid system also assists in regulating insulin levels in the body. External supplementation of herbal cannabis can assist in regulating insulin levels. Cannabis can assist in preventing an increase in body fat production by regulating metabolic functions and insulin resistance levels.

A mother’s breast milk naturally contains the same cannabinoids found in marijuana, which are necessary for proper human development. The cannabinoids in the breast milk activate the baby’s immune system response, and help protect the baby’s cells against bacteria, viruses, cancer, and other diseases. The cannabinoids also stimulate appetite so the baby has the desire to consume nourishment to promote growth and development.

Long term use of cannabis does not result in the adverse effects that typically come from long-term use of synthetic narcotic chemicals found in prescription drugs; This is basically because the synthetic chemicals alter the brains natural chemical balance, and receptors get switched off, while the cannabis enhances the natural chemical balance and keeps receptors activated. A fuzzy, spaced-out high can be experienced from high doses of both, but the synthetic compounds are more dangerous at a high dose than cannabis. As with most compounds, the difference between medicine and poison is the dose.

When cannabis is supplemented externally at the proper dose, it can ease many uncomfortable, or painful symptoms from other issues. If you are experiencing nausea, inflammation, immune system imbalance, anxiety, seizures, or pain and irritability, or other symptoms caused by a disease, or cancer, or medication for a disease, or cancer, I would advise you to try increasing the cannabinoids in your body by using herbal cannabis supplementation in order to relieve or eliminate these issues. You don’t have to smoke it if you don’t want to. You can use a vapor inhaler for instant relief, or edible forms for long-lasting, steady alleviation from symptoms. No matter how you administer the medication, always keep the dosage at the levels suitable for you, so you don’t get all loopy if you don’t want to. Even though people who smoke cannabis on a regular daily basis have a lower rate of lung cancer than people who don’t smoke anything at all; inhaling the combustion emissions of the flower still has the negative effect of tar buildup and damage to the throat and lung tissue. So the health conscious person will prefer vapor, or edible forms.

There’s been such a ridiculous, irrational taboo with cannabis ever since the wood pulp corporations and other elites, used the force and leverage of the government to snuff out the more competitive hemp paper industry in the 1930’s. The propaganda wizard of the elite political class back then was  Edward Bernays, and he helped orchestrate public opinion of the reefer madness, while promoting cigarette use, especially among women. The tobacco corporations and government scratch the back of Edward Bernays, and the public pay the price of returning the favors.

Some people don’t seem to take a logical objective approach with issues like this, they just obey what the irrational ruling class says. Even at a younger age, they just blindly believe what Mr. Woodhead told them to memorize in health class in public school. Another thing people learned in health class is that if anyone uses a substance classified as “addictive” they will surely become addicted to it. There are many different substances with varying degrees of and types of addiction, but that is only half of it, the other half is the user. If you are part of the 15% of the population that has an addictive personality, and you use an addictive substance, or participate in an activity that could be addictive, you will likely become addicted. If you do not have an addictive personality and use an addictive substance, you will not likely become addicted to that substance. It depends on the individual, not just the substance. For most people, cannabis is less addictive than caffeine, or sugar. Imagine how many more benefits will be discovered about cannabis after the control freaks stop restricting the use and scientific study of it, and its relation to cannabinoid receptors in the body.

This article is in no way an argument for or against the political legalization of cannabis, or other illegal substances. The benefits or harm of any substance should have nothing to do with the legalization argument. An argument for the legalization of any substance distills down to one question. Do you own your mind and body, and the effects of your mind and body? If you don’t own yourself, why not? If you do, then you not only have the right to use any substance at any dose, but you also have the responsibility. The right and responsibility is by nature, yours, not a third-party of busybody control freaks that act like a back seat driver, claiming superiority over your life, like a master to a slave. If you want to screw up your life, or make the best of it, that is your choice and responsibility. Since you have the right and responsibility of self-ownership, that means other individuals have that equal natural right too, and you are at liberty to do as you wish, as long as you don’t violate the sovereignty of another individual’s equal rights.  If you initiate force and coercion, and violate the ownership of another individual, it doesn’t matter if you are high on meth, LSD, or completely sober, it is a violation either way, and an individual has a natural right to defend against the initiation of violence.

As the pseudo-legalization process of cannabis is playing out with I502 in Washington, and Amendment 64 in Colorado, it is amusing to see some folks that used to be completely opposed to someone using cannabis when the State said it was illegal and bad for you, and now those same folks are not as opposed to it, as if cannabis magically changed for the better just because the State proclaims it.

As with anything in life, keep an open mind, with a healthy dose of skepticism, and do your do-diligence to find objective truth so that you will not be fooled into blindly obeying the subjective decrees from a group of arbitrary rulers.

If you prefer the madness of cheeching and chonging 24/7, staying locked to the couch all day and eating junk food, you will not be healthy, and you will probably be too scooby doobied to comprehend the amazing benefits that come with moderate doses of the chronic. The road to a healthy body includes physical activity, proper diet, and regulation the natural chemical balance within your body.

Whether you are completely healthy, or struggling with health issues, I would advise you to maintain adequate levels of cannabinoids in your body to maintain your vitality, and you may consider adding cannabis to your exercise routine to improve your physical health and to keep a sparkling physique.


Sources for this article include, but are not limited to:

-Rosskopf L, Dietrich A. Exercise activates the endocannabinoid system. Neuroreport. 2003 Dec

-Kilo S, Hargreaves KM. Cannabinoids reduce hyperalgesia and inflammation via interaction with peripheral   CB1 receptors. Pain. March 1998

-Piomelli Daniele. The molecular logic of endocannabinoid signalling. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2003 Nov

-Hillard CJ. Endocannabinoids and vascular function. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2000 Jul

-Ganon Elazar,Akirav.Dept. of Psychology Cannabinoids prevent the development of behavioral and endocrine alterations… University of Haifa, Israel.


About Jeremy Lockrem
Jeremy Lockrem

Havin fun
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