Who would have guessed that with Trump as the ruler, the big government progressive left crowd would start sounding like limited government right wingers?

Ever since the progressive era gained traction around 100 years ago, the leftists have worked so hard to grow the power and scope of federal government control over everyone’s lives.

During the last 8 years, Obama and his congregation got to play on the playground that was spawned out of the Woodrow Wilson era, and the left has made great strides to get the State to have a forced monopoly on the allocation of marriages, medical care, prenatal care and birth control allocation, financial security for poor and elderly, homes for broke people, currency, etc. and now that they have achieved the allocation of these things to be done via a one size fits all central planning monopoly, they are resisting the very thing they wished for, because now, their anointed savior is no longer the ruler of the U.S.

Do they not understand that humans are not angels?

Do they not understand that when you feed the Leviathan of the State by endorsing it with more power and control, that sociopathic control freaks will gravitate towards it and grab the reigns (sensational spelling)?

Do they not understand that when the State gets a forced monopoly on the allocation of rights, that rights become restricted?

Do they not understand that when the State is in charge of “helping” people, those people become worse off, and at best it’s a zero sum result, and more likely, it’s a net negative for all? You’d think they would learn a little from the Austrian school of economics, or at least, try to understand that human behavior responds to incentives and constraints, before giving all the power and control to a government.

They claim that we are all equal, yet they support the largest imbalance of power among equals in the history of humankind.

You leftist fools have propogated a society based on rule of man, not rule of law.

Why is it that the regressive left crowd (They don’t deserve to be called “liberals” since they are the opposite of the classical definition of -Liberal.) claims to support rights for women, lgbtq, minorities, etc. yet they constantly give more power and control to the primary organization which has always been completely able and willing to restrict these rights?

Aside from the realization that “rights” are just an imaginary concept of the mind, and don’t actually exist, let’s play along with the false premise for now.

Somehow, the progressive left think rights come from the State, and the restriction of rights comes from lack of the State. They have is all backwards, the only organization that has restricted the activities or “rights” of women, minorities, gays, etc. on a large scale is the almighty State in which they hold allegiance to.

It’s when the State gets rid of laws which restrict rights, that the freedoms and rights to, for example; marry a loved one, or to get safe and effective medical and prenatal care from a marketplace to allocate these services, or in the past, for a fugitive slave to become free and protected (elimination of fugitive slave laws), return to the people.

The State hasn’t always had monopoly control over marriage, medical care regulation, education, currency, etc. but when the State took this stuff over, the rights diminished depending on which sociopathic sapiens were the rulers at the time.

When these things are no longer allocated by a free market, the feedback signals that allow prices to reflect cost and perceived value disappear, and you get a reduction in quality, an increase in cost (cost is different from price), hidden costs, and a black market.

The ideology of the socialist left claims to care about the poor, elderly, sick, women, minorities, medical care, cost of living for lower income, education, etc. but the actions they take by placing the allocation of these things in a centrally planned forced monopoly makes the rest of us think they care more about the ideology they are faithful to rather than actually caring about the best results for people within these categories.

I personally think most folks on the left do care about others. They are very compassionate people in their personal lives. They (my opinion here) just care about the intentions of their ideology more than the actual results of helping others.

You progressives wanted the government to have control over all these things, and now you’re marching and protesting because the government has control over all these things. No worries though, there are many here to help make the world a better place for all carbon based cognitive creatures in a non-violent way.

Maybe it takes someone as unconventional as Trump and his crew for you on the left to realize why the right wingers support limitations on the power and control of the State.


About Jeremy Lockrem
Jeremy Lockrem

Havin fun
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