Jeremy’s COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment Protocol

Lifestyle actions for prevention of COVID-19 and other diseases; 

Get quality sleep, optimize Vitamin D levels (40-80 ng/ml in blood serum, and if your Dr tells you that’s too high, get another doctor), be active or exercise, eat nutrient dense whole foods, use a sauna, practice intermittent or prolonged fasting, keep away from chemical cleaners and toxins when possible, and don’t over sanitizing everything so that you can still have a hormetic dose of pathogens to be resilient against. 

Don’t chronically wear a mask or isolate yourself from social interactions if you don’t have symptoms, as this is a “run and hide from the virus until it magically goes away” approach. SARS-CoV-2 is here for the rest of our lives, we need to adapt accordingly rather than assume it will somehow go away.

Daily supplements that most people would benefit from for prevention;

-Between 5,000 – 10,000 IU’s of vitamin D (best when taken with magnesium as they act synergistically)

Zinc, Quercetin, Nicotinamide riboside combo

I use Thorne ResveraCel and zinc for this combo

The Zinc needs to be combined with the quercetin and Nicotinamide Riboside in order to get into the cells via an ionophore, so it can prevent the virus from proliferating.

This is a similar mechanism of action that hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin act on.

-2 cloves chopped garlic daily or concentrated garlic oil supplement (the active ingredient in garlic is alliin) 

-Fish oil / omega 3 (studies suggest that high concentrations of omega 3 in the blood may prevent the spike protein from being in an “open confirmation” state, so it can’t enter the cell membrane to replicate)

-Diffuse sage oil, Thieves blend, or Purification blend as much as possible.

O.N.E Multivitamin from Pure Encapsulations (that blend is genius)

Vitamin C (liposomal vitamin C is expensive, but good to have on hand to take a shit-ton while sick, as this is absorbed way better, so you can have higher concentration in blood)

If the subject has COVID-19, there are typically 3 stages of COVID to treat;

  1. Viral replication
  2. Inflammatory cytokine overreaction
  3. Thrombosis (blood clotting)

1. At the onset of symptoms from viral replication;

– Take Thieves and/or oregano oil internally, or “Inner Defense” from Young Living BID

– Dilute Thieves oil in a carrier oil, and swab way up in the nasal cavity QID

– Gargle Thieves mouthwash QID

– If not using Thieves swab, you can make a nasal spray with povidone iodine 1% solution QID, or nebulized diluted hydrogen peroxide and colloidal silver to inhale.

– Increase the previously listed preventative supplements to QID (4 times a day, rather than 1)

-Take mega doses of intravenous vitamin C if you can find a way to do it

-Start taking Melatonin every night for immune system health

Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum) -Make sure it contains the entire fruiting body.

Rhodiola Rosea or Ashwagandha

-If you lose sense of smell, apply diluted YL peppermint and rosemary oil under your nose and inhale as much as you can throughout the day, and each day until sense of smell comes back, or add it to a nebulizer and inhale. (This jump starts the olfactory system again)

-Get good sleep, stay lightly active, don’t take a fever reducer unless last resort (the body raises temperature in order to fight pathogens), stay away from chemical cleaners and toxins, no junk food, don’t have any processed seed oils (if it’s a shelf-stable oil in a clear plastic container, don’t have a drop of it, throw it away), stay hydrated with plenty of electrolytes, don’t worry about what the fear-based media tells you, and stay in good spirits.

2. As systemic Inflammatory cytokine overreaction happens;

-Diffuse YL R.C. oil or eucalyptus and peppermint oil 

-Keep taking the previously listed supplements, and add N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) QID to reduce inflammation, increase glutathione (the master antioxidant in the body), improve mitochondria, detox liver and kidneys, and improve respiratory health.

NAC helps reduce respiratory mucus buildup that is a common COVID symptom.

Maybe just take NAC daily anyway, since it’s so beneficial.

BTW, the FDA is trying to ban NAC or make it prescription only since it is such a great COVID treatment, and the drug companies can’t make money from it while it’s OTC.
Maybe they’re also trying to ban it because any effective treatment would invalidate the emergency use authorization for the shots which costs the drug companies about $3 each to make, while they charge the government $25 of your money so they can make record profits.

You can’t get NAC on Amazon anymore, but you can still get it from Thorne’s website.

(I’ve been stockpiling a bunch of NAC)

Curcumin/Turmeric for inflammation QID

Sambucus Elderberry to modulate interleukin-6 (I have data on this if needed) QID

3. As the third stage of potential thrombosis (blood clotting) happens;

Aspirin low dose QID or regular dose QD 

Continue taking Aspirin for at least 2 months after symptoms subside.

 Some people think Aspirin thins the blood. It doesn’t thin the blood, it makes the platelets slippery or lubricated which prevents clotting.

Continue staying away from highly processed junk food and keep taking previously listed protocols for at least 2 weeks after symptoms subside so the lymphatic system can clean up the damage from the battle.

Trusted high quality supplement brands are Thorne, Pure Encapsulations, Young Living, and Dr’s Best.

You might consider proactively checking with your doctor to see if they are equipped to give monoclonal antibody infusion, and Ivermectin treatment at the onset symptoms, and no later than 4 days after onset.

I recommend consulting with your functional medicine practitioner before following this protocol, because I’m not a doctor. You also might consider consulting with your conventional medicine doctor, however; They are typically not trained to treat the body as an ecosystem that needs hormesis. They just usually prescribe drugs to suppress symptoms.

-QD = once a day, BID = twice a day, QID = 4 times a day

-You can message me for more details or dosage recommendations.

Try to listen to what your body wants to do, such as sleep when tired, go for a walk if the lymphatic system feels dormant, let your body temperature get hot when you feel a fever, be in good spirits and keep a positive energy, as that also helps recovery (aka placebo effect).


About Jeremy Lockrem
Jeremy Lockrem

Havin fun
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