Category Archives: CURRENT NEWS

Are you being fiscally gang raped by the Fed?

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If you’re celebrating your free money from the Federal aid package, I’m here to ruin the party, and I apologize, because I like parties, but I also gotta keep it real. Some people are calling it a stimulus check for … Continue reading

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Will the lock-down bring on a more potent wave of the novel Coronavirus?

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The reckless reaction of the media junkies who get their dopamine fix from the myopic COVID-19 coverage which resulted in locking everything down is a more lethal pandemic than the virus itself. Anyone who does not agree with the total … Continue reading

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Will the shutdown really have a net result of saving lives?

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When does the cost/benefit of saving lives by shutting everything down to flatten the curve become dwarfed by the mortality rates from becoming infected with long-term global poverty including the U.S.? If the intent of shutting the world down is … Continue reading

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What is the cause of the wealth divide between the top 1% and the rest?

There is a massive division between the amount of wealth the top 1% has in the U.S. compared to the individual wealth of the rest of the population. Is this a result of unregulated capitalism? What is the cause of … Continue reading

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The cannabis, or marijuana plant, is on the federal government’s schedule 1 illegal substance list, yet every human being produces its own natural cannabinoids, just like the ones found in cannabis, to balance and regulate the body’s vital systems. Does … Continue reading

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Get to know your landlord

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               Investing in the China markets has typically been considered a high risk investment.  It is risky in that it is unpredictable whether China will go in the direction of more freedom or less … Continue reading

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Government R Us

Jeremy, in your recent article about gun control, you said you were trying to “figure out what a ‘high powered assault weapon’ is.”  You then decided to call them Big Scary Guns (BSGs) and went on to write about gun … Continue reading

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A Proposition For Equal Justice

                 Preface: I wrote this article back when the media was focused on the recent tragedy in Newtown, CT but I decided to wait a bit before I released it because the media … Continue reading

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More on Bad Choices

Jer-  You can’t compare any of the women you listed to John Edwards or the secret service agents involved in the recent Colombian fiasco. Especially Liz Taylor who married her paramours, for Pete’s sake. When I wrote about bad choices, … Continue reading

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Jeremy’s reply to “Men’s bad choices”

           Ok Sandy, I’ve never heard of this phenomenon of men being paralyzed below the waist and not being able to walk away until the sexual performance is over.  I’m not sure why any man would want to walk away, … Continue reading

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Allow Me to Enlighten You About Some Men’s Bad Choices

I have long been flabbergasted by the bad choices made by men in high places. I can’t figure this one out, and none of the explanations offered by psychologists, political analysts, or my male friends clears it up for me. … Continue reading

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Reply to Sweatshop Devastation

This is a complex issue in many aspects. But here’s where it is simple for me: We can’t turn a blind eye to fellow human beings living and dieing in horrific working conditions. There have been nearly five hundred deaths … Continue reading

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Sweatshop Devastation

The Tommy Hilfiger clothing manufacturing building in Bangladesh owned by Van Heusen that caught fire was a horrible tragedy.  Many workers were badly injured and there were many fatalities.  Van Heusen outsourced its manufacturing to Bangladesh in order to keep … Continue reading

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