Category Archives: TOPICS

Putin back in the saddle

This gallery contains 1 photo.

          The election of Vladimir Putin last week didn’t get much of any news coverage.  The day after the election I turned on the news with the intent of finding the results between Dmitri Medvedev (the incumbent president) vs. Prime … Continue reading

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Dear Sandy

            Dear Sandy, It is and honor and privilege to interact with you on this blog.  You are a woman who knows where she stands and you have solid reasons for the positions you take on different topics. It’s refreshing … Continue reading

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That’s how I roll

         So, when I write stuff on here, I am going to type things in the way I would say them.  I know some people want to read posts that are grammatically correct.  I understand that, so don’t be offended … Continue reading

Posted in RANDOM THOUGHTS | 2 Comments